"Geographical concentration of interlinked companies and institutions in related branches of industry that compliment each other by joint relations of exchange and activates along one (several) value creation chains" – Michael Porter, 1990
"The co-location of partners, service providers, educational and research institutions related through linkages of different types." – Europe Innova

The success of high performance cluster is in large part, due to people forming quality relationships and networking to achieve results - "a chemistry". These linkages are informal and are supported by more formal organizations/institutions.


Boosting the tourism sector in Europe through digital tools and innovation – DIGITOUR
December 20 2021
Today, 20th December 2021, Consulting Cluster Veritas together with 10 partnering organisations in total, representing 8 European countries, have entered into consortium agreement, based on the signed Grand Agreement, accepting to participate in the project “Boosting the tourism sector in Europe through digital tools and innovation – DIGITOUR (101038133)”, funded through The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), entrusted by the European Commission, under the COSME Programme COS-TOURINN-2020-3-04
Clusters as drivers for economic cooperation in the Black Sea Region
November 25 2020
Over 100 cluster specialists from countries around the Black Sea attended the online conference organised by the Romanian Ministry of Economy, the Romanian Cluster Association and the business platform Arhipelago with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network on the 25th of November in the frame of the 2020 Romanian Chairmanship of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organisation.
Partnering Side Event of the Forum of Cluster Associations and Networks, Teodora Jilkova discussing on Women in Clusters
November 18 2020
In the context of the 7th edition of the European Cluster Conference 2020, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform has organised a Partnering side event of the Forum of Cluster Associations and Networks (FCAN).

Joint BG-RO Cluster Event 2020
October 19 2020
Bioeconomy as driver for green, sustainable and inclusive growth, Clusters and their role as key players
Black Sea & Balkans CW Summit light edition, “Reload”
June 10 2020
When we met in February this year in Golden Sands for the pilot edition of Black Sea & Balkans CW Summit, even though COVID-19 was already widespread internationally, non us had any idea what was ahead of us in just few weeks. As organisers, we were the last being lucky to hold a live event, before the DAY of cancellations. BSB CW Summit left incredible memories for all, speakers and delegates…
BSB CW Summit 2020 – an international forum to share knowledge, experience and good practices in the meetings industry
February 24 2020
On the 20th & 21st February 2020, the city of Varna, Bulgaria hosted the 1st edition the Conference World Summit, focused on the countries of the Black Sea & Balkans region. The event provided a platform to share knowledge, experience, good practices and mostly to create and opportunity to discover the region of the Black Sea & Balkans and to connect different international players, creating new planning and opportunities.
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ЕВРОПЕЙСКИ СЪЮЗ. Европейски фонд за регионално развитие. Инвестираме във вашето бъдеще

Развитие на конкурентноспособността на българската икономика
ОПЕРАТИВНА ПРОГРАМА "Развитие на конкурентноспособността на българската икономика" 2007-2013